Flowers are always a wonderful every occasion gift.
7" x 5"Watercolor$80.00
Yellow Like
Pop of Yellow Flowers. Tissue paper and watercolor were used to create this showy yellow flower. Love the texture that I can create with the tissue paper.
8" x 5"Mixed Media$80.00
Iris Splash
Splashes of color, capture this flower.
12" x 8"Watercolor$250.00
Hosta Hideaway
A hosta farm hidden away.
12" x 12"Oil$225.00
Spring Medley
Sing spring, it's time to show off the flowers. Another Mixed Media using tissue paper and watercolor.
12" x 18"Mixed Media$300.00
Red Magnolia
A flower always enjoyed on the earth for millions of years. This was created with tissue paper and watercolor.
Watercolor and Tissue Paper$175.00
Azalea (SOLD)
Are your azaleas blooming? This canvas can brighten a corner on your wall.
12" x 12"Oil$200.00
A dining room needs posies to always enjoy.
24" x 20"oil$550.00
Backyard Garden (SOLD)
Summer greens sparkling in a little backyard garden.
12" x 12"Oil$200.00
Flower Market
Flowers for sale, time to buy the ones you love and watch them grow.
16" x 20"Oil$525.00
Marigolds (SOLD)
The excitement of pops of color makes us happy. 2nd Prize in the PCCA Juried Show!!!!